Thursday, October 29, 2015

What is the wrong side in a war? In many Civil War magazines I've read about the "wrong side." Many authors paint the south as the devil's side or evil. This stems from the recent debate about the Rebel Battle Flag, not the stars and bars as it's mistakenly labeled.  Many people see the flag as only a racist symbol, when in fact it means many things to many different parts of society. The flag could symbolize conflict through the ages. Very few conflicts have one side that is totally good and another side which is totally evil. Was the south totally evil? I would say no. How would you characterize the north.? I would say they were not necessarily good or evil. Just as the Rebel Flag evokes many different responses from people the north and south represented many different types of people. An honorable man might have fought for the south while a womanizer fought for the north. Lets look at people from that time as people, not demonic or angelic but human.

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that our modern life has no medium setting, everything is either best or worst, Good or evil, Great or a complete disaster. this attitude covers so much of the debate over that flag. It means different things to different people, and nobody wants to compromise.
